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Cheers to 2024: our best but also most brutal year to date

Aylin posing for a kicho tshirt photoshoot

Well shiiiiiiiittt, let's just say 2024 was, without a doubt, our best but also most brutal year ever (yet?) at Tipsy Tribe. 


On the one hand, we've been brewing and distilling ‘round the clock to try to keep up with demand. We were so happy to see the love blossom for Tipsy Tribe from so many people, both locally in Koekelberg and all over the world. We created a fully functional tap room, hosted our first events on site (Mario Kart for the win g!), and turned our hidden gem into a little less of a hidden one. We’ve had students join us who’ve become as close as family and met people from all over the planet who share our passion for distilling and brewing.


On top of this we were lucky enough to finally find someone who could actually put up with our insanity and join the team as our marketing guru!  In turn, quicker than we thought we’ve needed to already expand our capacity to produce both spirits and beers, our main focus right now. We thank everyone and their thirst for high quality locally produced spirits and beers for everything. Without you all we wouldn’t be here.


On the other hand, as some of you already knew, one of our co-founders was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of 2024.  She’s been putting up one hell of a fight, to say the least, and we are happy to say she’s now in remission!  We didn’t want to publicize it as it just felt wrong but she’s kicked its ass, went through the brutality of chemotherapy and actually never stopped working throughout it, an amazing thing to see considering what she went through. Suffice it say…It's been a very heavy year for our tribe.


Nevertheless, as the year draws to a close, and our tanks keep bubbling away we want to look back at 2024 and really show nothing but appreciation for everything that’s happened.  Shit can go down hard sometimes, but we keep putting one foot in front of the other and that next thing you know we are making the best beer and spirits we’ve ever made.  We feel very lucky to have our family, friends and customers - our tribe - who support us emotionally and physically and give us that extra boost we need to wake up every day and keep on keepin’ on.


We’re ending the year stronger than ever and ready for what’s next. Here’s to 2025!!! Cheers to all the fun ahead! 💥

Happy New Year!!!!

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